Thursday, March 25, 2010

Micro-Wing is ready for Flight!

This folded blu-core wing concept was just so cool I had to finish it up. It'll be ready to fly on Friday for sure. It was actually pretty easy. Started at about 8:30PM, and now at just after 11:15PM it would be flyable if it were light out. Granted it isn't painted, but other than visibility issues it should be ready to fly. I really like how the folded blu-core forms a psuedo-airfoil shape. It'll be interesting to see how it flies. If I get a chance I'll weight it tomorrow pre-flight. If the flight characteristics are even OK it should be a rocket. It feels much, much lighter than either the F-35 or the short-lived trainer the powerplant was in.


  1. Great job. I might have to rebuild the F117 with the folded airfoil. Get some video. I would like to be there, but have to go out of town...

  2. I also want to try making a wing with a KFM style airfoil. That might also be something to try with the F117.
